Satisfaction of residents

By applying a prepared model with following indicators on commissioned blocks and some residents, our experts can determine the satisfaction of residents, advantages & challenges faced by them, areas for improvement in order to reveal leverages for impact  on buying decision.   

1. Detailed information of block apartments

  • General plan of block apartments
  • Layout and number of rooms
  • Sales data
  • Public transportation availability

2. Residents' profiles

  • Data on democraphics, household members, employment, education and household income

3. Consumer's current conditions

  • Current housing information /reason to choose/, problems & challenges
  • Satisfaction level of current housing
  • Dissatisfaction factors of residents
  • Housing and comminal service (cleaning, maintenance and etc.)
  • Management
  • Parking availability
  • Traffic
  • Availability of schools, kindergartens & public transportation
  • Playground
  • Construction architecture
  • Future needs & trends - Buyer's needs & requirements /by duration,location, area & interested square/
  • Buying decision making factors  /Prestige of location, building & construction company/
  • Willingness to change current house

4. Property management 

  • Auxillary services required for housing & communal services  /call center, delivery & others/
  • Price setting for housing & communal services 

Time to prepare:
14-21 days

Pricing & conditions:
From ₮5,000,000 to ₮15,000,000 depending on scope and rating