Secondary Housing Market Data 2024.M06



1. Macro-Economic Environment

  • Key indicators of the macro-economic environment
  • Housing fund of Ulaanbaatar city, housing conditions of households
  • Housing affordability index
  • Housing price index
  • Residential rental price Index
  • Housing stock in use

2. Important Policies and Decisions Implemented by the Government in the Construction Sector

3. Key Mortgage Statistics

4. Secondary Housing Market Data

  • Apartment that has been in use since the year 2000
  • The average, high and low price of 1 mannounced by each district, average price by location in the district
  • The average, high and low price of 1 m2 announced in the region, average price chart for the last 13 months
  • Average secondary market price by district
  • Average secondary market prices by grade/rank and region
  • Apartments that were put into use before the year 2000
  • Average price by number of rooms, by district
  • Average price by number of rooms, by region
  • Average price by number of rooms, by each district

Date coverage

Time to prepare

Report format

  • Энэхүү үнэ нь НӨАТ агуулсан үнэ болно
  • Жилээр гэрээ хийвэл 10 хувийн хөнгөлөлт үзүүлнэ

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